
5 Unconventional Meditation Routines For Those Who Get Bored Easily

Twishaa Sharma
January 5, 2023

Most of us think of orange-robed monks sitting in the lotus position in the mountains when we hear the word “meditation." However, these images only serve to reinforce the widely held belief that in order to achieve peace, one must pack their belongings, dress in saffron, and relocate to the mountains.

It is possible to achieve mental peace wherever you are, high in the Himalayas or deep in the heart of a bustling metropolis. As with any new skill, you have to ease into meditation gradually until your brain and body form muscle memory for it.   But it’s easier said than done. The mind likes to keep itself busy with thoughts, worries and fears about the past and the future. When the mind is running at 10x how can you possibly keep it still?

Head over to the Zoga app to access over 90 meditation practices for all levels. (link)

Unconventional meditation routines are trending

With the help of modern scientific discoveries, people are learning more about the brain's inner workings and experimenting with new methods of mental relaxation. A creative meditation approach may be more effective for someone with a dominant right brain, whereas someone with a dominant left brain may prefer straightforward instructions to concentrate on the breath. There is no one-size-fits-all. 

If you find the conventional meditation routine boring and are looking for something interesting that doesn’t feel like ‘work’ read on to explore alternate methods of meditation. As a beginner, expose yourself to newer and unconventional meditation routines. You may also feel inspired to create your own fun practice.

Color Your World

The use of color as a therapeutic modality dates back to ancient times. Light therapy, or chromotherapy, has been used for a long time as a complementary and alternative medicine approach to health and wellness. There have been numerous  studies that look at how different colors affect people's emotions and mental states. During this meditation, you will be guided to explore specific colors and observe any feelings associated with that color for you.

Colors can bring new perspectives to life and this mindfulness meditation helps to improve your life by concentrating and opening each of the 7 chakras in the body. Check out this colorful meditation (link) practice only on the Zoga app

Movement Meditation

Padmasana, also known as the lotus position, is a common yoga asana used for meditating. This cross-legged pose may appear simple, but it can be difficult, especially for beginners just starting out in the world of meditation. What if you could reach your daily meditation goal without having to sit still the entire time?

Through a series of gentle movements, Movement Meditation (link) can help you achieve a profound meditative state. This is an unconventional meditation routine that is ideal for people who get restless while sitting still. 

Sound Awareness

Developing your sense of awareness is the first step in learning how to meditate effectively. Whether you become aware of your breath or a nearby traffic jam, you are training your mind to focus on the present moment. We are often so focused on the future and the past that we fail to notice the present.

In the Sound Awareness (link) meditation, you will be instructed to focus your attention on the sounds around you. The sound of a clock ticking, a faucet dripping, or a horn honking could all become the focus of a mindful meditation session.

Celebrate Love

Pure, selfless love is at the core of who we are. Love has the ability to heal relationships and draw us closer to the source since it is one of the most positive emotions that humans have ever experienced. In this meditation, we focus on the Anahata chakra, or the heart chakra, to help us remember who we truly are. Regular practice of this meditation will see improvement in relationships, feeling of self-love and respect and a greater appreciation of life. 

Visit the Zoga app to access Celebrate Love (link) and more such interesting meditations designed to improve the quality of your life. 

When You Can’t Meditate

You've tried everything and still don't think meditation is for you? Don't give up just yet. Our minds are wired to rebel against newer habits. If you've let your mind run wild your entire life and suddenly expect it to calm down, it will rebel!

We at Zoga understand that breaking old habits takes time. When You Can't Meditate is a simple xx-minute routine that breaks down the steps for you. Before you (or your mind) know it, you'll be finished with the routine, feeling calm and centered.

Meditation can be anything that serves the dual purposes of calming the mind and increasing awareness. You can find mindfulness in daily activities, but sometimes it helps an expert partner to guide you through the steps.

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