
Surya Namaskar - The Ultimate Workout for the Super Busy

Twishaa Sharma
January 5, 2023
5 min

Surya Namaskar, also known as Sun Salutation, is a yoga practise that consists of a twelve-yoga-asana flow sequence. Surya Namaskar, as the name suggests, is a salutation to the sun that is most effective when performed with the sun's first rays. But if waking up at 5 a.m. is not your thing, not to worry. Whatever the time of day, the 12 asanas are expertly woven together to benefit both the body and the mind.

Practitioners of Surya Namaskar strongly advocate the daily routine for its discipline and rigorous poses. Exposure to sun activates the Solar Plexus, the chakra located at the navel and associated with our will power, self esteem, intellect and clarity.

Depending on the pace, Surya Namaskar can be modified to be a restorative, warm-up or full workout routine. Try this fifteen minute classical Surya Namaskar to get you started. Our expert yoga teacher guides you through each pose.

The Ultimate Asana

When performed at a slow pace, it helps in strengthening muscles and improves the functioning of the internal organs. Syncing the breath with each pose can also have a meditative effect.

When performed at a medium pace, Surya Namaskar is like aerobics or a Zumba workout. It increases endurance and stamina.

Surya Namaskar at a fast pace is not short of a cardiovascular workout, burning excess fat from the body.

If you’re new to the practice, start slow and master the poses before increasing the pace. With  Zoga’s intuitive posture correction technology, you can confidently master the asanas from the comfort of your home. Download the app today and join the growing wellness community.

There are many physical and mental benefits of Surya Namaskar. Listed below are only some of the ways a consistent practice can improve the quality of your life. Perhaps the biggest benefit lies in the flexibility to perform the routine anywhere, at any time. Your ability to practice Surya Namaskar is not dependant on external factors like the weather and is extremely light on the pocket - all you need is a yoga mat!

  1. Helps in Weight Loss: One of the most well-known and tangible benefits of practicing Surya Namaskar on a regular basis is weight loss. A 10-minute session can burn up to 139 calories, which is more than 10 minutes of swimming. Asanas allow for stretching, twisting, and exertion of the body, which helps in weight loss. Furthermore, it stimulates the digestive tract, which aids in the production of digestive juices and leads to an increase in metabolism.

  1. Contributes to Glowing Skin and Healthy Hair: Practicing Surya Namaskar on a regular basis improves blood circulation in the body, giving the skin a radiant glow and improving hair texture. Yoga asanas such as Padhastasana (Hand to Foot pose) and Parvatasana (Mountain pose) increase blood flow to the head. It massages the scalp, which promotes hair growth.

  1. Regulates PCOS: According to studies, doing Surya Namaskar for 10-15 minutes every day for 12 weeks is more effective than traditional exercise. It improves the lipid profile, and regulates the menstrual cycle. It also improves irregular periods and reduces hormones, which are known to cause PCOS. Not just surya Namaskar, Yoga in general is highly beneficial for female health. Check out the benefits of yoga for women.

  1. Manages Insomnia: When practiced consistently, Surya Namaskar improves one's sleeping habits. The asanas relieve tension, calm the mind, and relax the body. All of this contributes to a more restful sleep at night.

  1. Reduces Stress and Anxiety: Surya Namaskar asanas improve the functioning of the endocrine glands while increasing blood flow. It reduces the stress hormone cortisol, lowering stress and anxiety. The deep breathing techniques which are part of the sequence helps in relaxing the nerve cells and the chakras. It improves the balance of the left and right sides of the brain, increases emotional stability, and boosts creativity.

  1. Strengthens Muscle and Joints: An excellent way to stretch, tone and strengthen the muscles, ligaments and joints, which helps increase spine flexibility. Regularly performing the postures in sequence causes your limbs to become symmetrical, giving you the perfect posture, and improves the functioning of your internal vital organs.

Whether you love to exercise or avoid going to the gym like the plague, Surya Namaskar is a simple and effective routine for balancing the mind and body.

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